The beginning of my architectural education started with the development of strategies in documentation, assemblage, and in habitation through the use of language. The new combinations demonstrated an overall strategy for assembly that was unique and contingent upon the application of the word and joint, collaged. These readings were immediately translated into 2 separate 3x3x3 cubes jointed or disjointed spatial cubic constructs.

The project started with the development of strategies in documentation, assemblage, and in-habitation through the use of language. The project was developed in close collaboration with the Language Program to explore interrelationship and dependency between author-text-reading and architect-space-user. The process was a threefold: a poetic hybrid of word exploration. tectonic effects of sentence and structure, spatial experience through narrative and proposition.

Pratt Institute First Year Studio Concept Development with Gisella Vidalle. Fall 2009.